PRIMA - 2012

Section: Software

Tracking Focus of Attention for Large Screen Interaction

Participants : Rémi Barraquand, Claudine Combe, James Crowley [correspondant] , Varun Jain, Sergi Pujades-Rocamora, Lukas Rummelhard.

Embedded Detection and Tracking of Faces for AttentionEstimation.

Large multi-touch screens may potentially provide a revolution in the way people can interact with information in public spaces. Technologies now exist to allow inexpensive interactive displays to be installed in shopping areas, subways and urban areas. Thesis displays can provide location aware access to information including maps and navigation guidance, information about local businesses and and commercial activities. While location information is an important component of a users context, information about the age and gender of a user, as well as information about the number of users present can greatly enhance the value of such interaction for both the user and for local commerce and other activities.

The objective of this task is to leverage recent technological advances in real time face detection developed for cell phones and mobile computing to provide a low-cost real time visual sensor for observing users of large multi-touch interactive displays installed in public spaces.

People generally look at things that attract their attention. Thus it is possible to estimate the subject of attention by estimating where people look. The location of visual attention is manifested by a region of space known as the horopter where the optical axis of the two eyes intersect. However estimating the location of attention from human eyes is notoriously difficult, both because the eyes are small relative to the size of the face, and because eyes can rotate in their socket with very high accelerations. Fortunately, when a human attends to something, visual fixation tends to remain at or near that subject of attention, and the eyes are relaxed to a symmetric configuration by turning the face towards the subject of attention. Thus it is possible to estimate human attention by estimating the orientation of the human face.

We have constructed an embedded software system for detecting, tracking and estimating the orientation of human faces. This software has been designed to be embedded on mobile computing devices such as laptop computers, tablets and interactive display panels equipped with a camera that observes the user. Noting the face orientation with respect to the camera makes it possible to estimate the region of the display screen to which the user is attending.

The system uses a Bayesian Particle filter tracker operating on a Scale invariant Gaussian pyramid to provide integrated tracking and estimation of face orientation. The use of Bayesian tracking greatly improves both the reliability and the efficiency for face detection and orientation estimation. The scale invariant Gaussian pyramid provides automatic adaptation to image scale (as occurs with a change in camera optics) and makes it possible to detect and track faces over a large range of distances. Equally important the Gaussian Pyramid provides a very fast computation of a large number of image features that can be used by a variety of image analysis algorithms.

The software developed for this activity builds on face detections software that has recently been developed by Inria for the French OSEO project MinImage. MinImage was a five year, multi-million euro project to develop next generation technologies for integrated digital imaging devices to be used in cellphones, mobile and lap-top computing devices, and digital cameras, that has begun in February of 2007. The project scope included research on new forms of retinas, integrated optics, image formation and embedded image processing. Inria was responsible for embedded algorithms for real time applications of computer vision.

Within MinImage, Inria developed embedded image analysis algorithms using image descriptors that are invariant to position, orientation and scale and robust to changes in viewing angle and illumination intensity. Inria proposed use of a simple hardware circuit to compute a scale invariant Gaussian pyramid as images acquired by the retina. Sums and differences of image samples from the pyramid provide invariant image descriptors that can be used for a wide variety of computer vision applications including detection, tracking and recognition of visual landmarks, physical objects, commercial logos, human bodies and human faces. Detection and tracking of human faces was selected as benchmark test case.

This work has been continued with support from EIT ICTlabs, to provide context information for interaction with large multi-touch interactive displays installed in public spaces.

Multitouch interactive displays are increasingly used in outdoor and public spaces. This objective of this task is to provide a visual observation system that can detect and count users of a multitouch display and to estimate information such as the gender, and age category of each user. us rendering the system sensitive to environmental context.

A revised software package has recently been released to our ICTlab partners for face detection, face tracking, gender and age estimation, and orientation estimation, as part of ICTlabs Smart Spaces action line, Activity 11547 : Pervasive Information interfaces and interaction. With Task 1207 of this activity we have constructed and released an "Attention Recognition Module". This software has been protected with an APP declaration.

An similar software was released in 2007 using face color rather than appearance. The system SuiviDeCiblesCouleur located individuals in a scene for video communications. FaceStabilsationSystem renormalised the position and scale of images to provide a stabilised video stream. SuiviDeCiblesCouleur has been declared with the APP "Agence pour la Protection des Programmes" under the Interdeposit Digital number IDDN.FR.001.370003.000.S.P.2007.000.21000.